How much time should students spend on homework?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Classroom Time Management

There is an overall consensus with people's comments that homework is a good thing in moderation. Homework is a great way for families to work together and get more involved but other family time is needed also. Teachers could possibly limit homework by better time management in the classroom.
For teachers, time management can be a difficult thing to do. This is due to limited hours in the day and mandatory standards to be met.

  • Teachers could combine assignments in content areas. For example, a Math assignment based on a story read during Reading class (word problems).

  • Teachers could collaborate with one another to see what homework assignments are due. This would help to avoid homework overload.

  • Teachers could create family projects that could be expected approximately every three months. The projects should be something that parents expect in advance and be interesting and fun.

Homework is an essential assessment for teachers to use for their students. Knowing how much homework is too much can be a difficult task but should be addressed. Feedback from students and parents would be a great way to know how much homework is too much. Teachers can make adjustments to lesson plans according to feedback and student progression.

Here is a link to a parent's complaint of too much homework:

Another link that includes tips for time management for teachers:

Homework Mangagement Software:

Thursday, May 27, 2010

How Much Homework Should Students Receive?

How much homework should students receive? This is an ongoing question that lingers in the minds of parents and teachers. It is a controversial topic that teachers are faced with due to trying to get students prepared for standardized testing. Teachers are working with limited time to get the students to learn information and homework is essential to assess what the students can do.
Students and the parents often feel overwhelmed with the amount of homework given per night. Both groups may see homework as pointless and unnecessary and this is a misconception. The interest of the students may fade with the more homework given. Howework is helpful for students to apply the concepts learned in class, study the information, and reflect on the lesson provided by the teacher.
In teaching Middle Childhood Mathematics, I think that homework will be essential for their learning. Mathematics needs to be practiced and engrained into their thinking. It is the teachers role to deliver the material and explain how to do. Homework is the key for assessing and applying what they have learned from the lesson taught in the classroom. Howework can also be a good indicator for what concepts the students understand (grasp), or what they need help with.
Students should receive homework but limited amount of time should be spent on the homework assignments a night. As a teacher I would limit the time the students spent on the homework material a night.
How much time should students spend on homework?
Technology can make it easier for parents to keep track of homework assignments and grades with a wiki website.